Your privacy and security is very important to People Measures. We know that how we collect, use, and safeguard your information is important to you, and we value your trust. Our Privacy Policy provides a more detailed description of how we do this, in accordance with the Privacy Act and the National Privacy Principles.
We will:
People Measures aims to collect, use and disclose the personal Information we obtain from you in a fair, objective, and ethical manner.
This Privacy Policy describes how People Measures actively comply with the requirements of the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000. This document was developed in line with the Privacy Commissioner’s “Guidelines to the National Privacy Principles (dated September 2001)” and the Australian Psychological Society’s document “A Privacy Policy for Recruitment Related Psychological Assessments (dated April 2002 and amended June 2003)”.
What is personal information?
Personal information, in line with the Privacy Act, includes information or opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.
This may include name, address, contact details, occupation, qualifications, employment history, as well as, any information collected over the course of providing our services, such as, assessment materials, results and reports based on data collected during assessment, etc.
Collection of personal information and data quality
People Measures will collect personal information directly from you as part of our consulting, training, selection and/or development services. When you provide the personal information, you are relied upon to disclose it accurately. Personal information may also be collected from third parties, such as, our vendors, your organisation, etc.
People Measures will be open about the personal information we collect and how it will be used throughout the provision of our services. We will take steps to keep your personal information secure, accurate and up-to-date.
Use and disclosure of personal information
People Measures only collect personal information that is required for a specific purpose, for example selection and/or development. We rely on this information to enable us to provide our services to you and our client organisations.
We will only use or disclose personal information for the primary purpose of collection unless we have your written consent, or where there are specified law enforcement or public health and public safety circumstances. We will uphold confidentiality in a range of settings, including training, peer supervision and coaching of other individuals. Any case studies or examples used will either be de-identified or only disclosed with your consent.
All personal information will be treated as confidential, and only accessed by authorised personnel from People Measures and/or client organisations who have a reasonable need to know. We may disclose personal information to an associate of our organisation, but in such situations, we will ensure that our associates are bound by the same privacy and confidentiality obligations.
The information collected may also be used for technical research to review how the assessment process is functioning. When that research is conducted, the information will be de-identified and grouped together with other data so that an individual’s information cannot be recognised or reconstructed.
Storage of personal information and data security
People Measures will take steps to protect personal information held from misuse, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. The information is collected directly from you, and stored in a combination of secure computer files and paper-based files. It is accessed only by the People Measures and the client organisation officers who have a reasonable need to know.
When the information is no longer needed, People Measures will take steps to properly destroy or permanently de-identify information. The assessing psychologist holds assessment information for at least seven years, but may destroy it thereafter if it is unlikely that the assessee will return for re-assessment or if the data is not needed for research. Destruction of unwanted assessment information follows practices for destroying confidential material.
How to access and correct personal information
You may request access to any personal information we hold about you at any time by contacting us in writing. You will be given reasonable access to your information, upon verifying your identity (e.g. driver’s licence or passport). In some cases, you may incur a fee to cover our costs for providing the information to you.
In accordance with accepted ethical principles, psychologists are generally required to provide explanatory feedback following psychological assessment, unless limitations have been clearly outlined in advance of evaluation. Under normal circumstances, participants can expect an interpretation of any test results. People Measures will generally refrain from releasing test data to unqualified individuals. This practice is followed so that participants obtain contemporary and relevant interpretations of assessment information, and so they are not left to try to interpret something new from a report written for a particular purpose at a particular point in time.
If you wish to change personal information that is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, please contact our Privacy Officer. People Measures cannot guarantee that an amendment will be made, but at a minimum, we will note that a change was requested. In some situations, we will be unable to provide you with access to information (e.g. where the information is commercially sensitive to our client organisations or where release would breach other legal or ethical requirements).
Information about this policy
We may update this policy from time to time to comply with the law or to meet our changing business requirements without notifying you. However, the most current version will be available on our website and in print from our offices.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact our Privacy Officer.
Further advice
Should you require further advice on any of the above matters, please approach your People Measures representative in the first instance.
If you require further information or have a complaint regarding People Measures’ handling of Personal Information, please contact the our Privacy Officer at People Measures office on (03) 9681 6230 or at our address Level 4, 20-22 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205.
General information about privacy may be found via